Q&A: A Worthy Endeavor


Panther News spoke with Felicia Foisey, the manager of the Cabot Street women’s consignment shop Worthy Girl. Foisey shared her reflections on operating the store which has lately grown quite popular with young locals.

What made you want to apply to Worthy Girl? Like, what was the attraction about working there?

I was a long time shopper and consignor, loved the atmosphere, thought the owners were wonderful people. It seemed like a place I could thrive in.

How did you find out about the job?

I hadn’t been looking for a job but when I saw the opening, I [knew I] had to be a part of this fun circus we call Worthy Girl. 

Did you go into the interviewing process with confidence that you were going to get the position? Did you have doubts that you weren’t going to fit their criteria?

I was very confident. But I also knew they had to be 100% certain to hire me, so I wasn’t overly confident. 

Is this job what you expected would become your career or has your path shifted as you’ve gone through life?

It’s entirely shifted actually. I expected to do something in the field of psychology and criminal justice but then realized that I was too emotional for the job. I don’t see myself being a store manager forever but I’m excited to help owners grow Worthy Girl.

Where do you see your career going in the future?

I would love to move up to something more, but I don’t know what that will be yet. I’m interested to hear where [store owners] Pam and Jonah think I could go in my career. 

What are the best parts of having this job?

The people, the team, the customers, everyone is so much fun and I’ve created so many great relationships. I adore all of [them].

What is the most difficult part of your position and how do you make it easier to do?

When I have to discipline staff, it is not my favorite at all since I love when it can be all fun. But I just take a deep breath and think about the subject I’m approaching and what to say to make the most sense without sounding super bossy and to help people grow. 

What is the weirdest or most unexpected thing you have experienced while working here?

Once someone was trying to consign a Glade Plug in that had already been used and was shocked that we didn’t take it in. 

If you could give your younger self advice when starting this job or applying for manager what would it be?

I would tell myself that some days are gonna be tough, but the good days far outweigh the bad ones.