German Foreign Exchange Student Daniel Boggia On High School Life in America


Panther News spoke with Daniel Boggia, a foreign exchange student studying at Beverly High School this school year.

What grade are you in?

I’m a Junior foreign exchange student.

Where are you from? 

I’m from a city in Germany called Dieburg.

When did you come to the United States?

I came on the 26th of August in 2022

What are some differences you’ve noticed between Germany and the United States since you’ve been here?

Obviously, language. But, sports and culture are very different here.

Have there been any things in particular that have made it easier for you to settle down in America?

Yeah, I’ve made some friends here which is always good. Speaking English makes it easier, because I understand stuff. Not everything, but most things!

Do you ever get homesick?

Of course, but I talk to my family almost every day. Having friends here makes it easier because you don’t think about home. As much.

What is something you’re looking forward to during your time in America?

Prom will be fun, I think. We don’t really have anything like prom in Germany. Obviously [we have] dances and parties, but nothing like prom.